A Reading of Revelation 5 with portions of a sermon text by  Martyn Lloyd Jones  on Revelation 6-7. To correctly understand the prophecy of John in Revelation we must remember the theme.  The revelation of Jesus Christ that God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. The book is about the Lord Jesus Christ who is in the midst of his churches who are in the world. They have been saved by his blood and resurrection and they bear witness to him by declaring the gospel and from among humanity God calls and redeems his elect.  God's people in the hostile world face opposition but the Lion who is the Lamb is the Savior. His people are safe and secure in him. 
The meaning of this book did not need to wait two thousand years for us to unlock its meaning. The meaning was given to those who first received it and it is found in the symbols and images of the vision. It spoke powerfully to them and it can to us also if will put aside our newspapers and open the book and read it. We will see Christ and his people engaged in conflict with the kingdoms of this world and we take encouragement and are confident in our Lord's victory!

Bible Insights with Wayne Conrad
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Psalms 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.