Psalm 8 looks back to the original creation of humanity in Adam. It relates the language of God's command to Adam found in Genesis 1 and 2. Man was a glorious creature made in the image of the Creator God. He was a marvel in a perfect world that God had made for his habitation. But something happened, and Adam and Eve disobeyed God.  In the Fall man was cursed and cast out of the garden. Even the created order was affected by man's fall into sin. Although humans remain in the image of God that image is marred, distorted with a dead spiritual nature and a mortal body destined to perish. Psalm 8 can provoke questions since man does not currently have undisputed or full dominion over the earth. Even the flood with its judgment that cleansed the earth and in a way had a second beginning in Noah, humanity remains in a fallen state of sin and the curse of death. But there was hope given to mankind in the curse God put upon the Serpent that the Seed of the woman would one day destroy the Enemy and restore mankind to the full image of the Creator.  When we look in the New Testament we see that Psalm 8 is treated as a Messianic psalm. It looked forward to the coming of the Man Christ Jesus, the Second Adam who represents those whom the Father has given him. Thus Psalm 8 is treated by the author of Hebrews as speaking of the incarnate Son of God, the Son of Man. Although we do not currently see all of mankind enjoying the rulership of the original order we do see Jesus! See Hebrews 2:5-9. We see Jesus in his incarnation who suffered our curse of death in all of its dimensions now risen and glorified. Jesus in his whole dual nature  is crowned with glory and honor. He bears the perfect image of God, and humanity is restored in him to an even more surpassing glory than the original state of man. Redeemed humans, those connected in faith to the Lord Jesus, will be resurrected in his image and will exercise their God-ordained role on the new earth in the eternal state.

Bible Insights with Wayne Conrad
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Psalms 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.