This week, we look at two Heavy Words: repentance and discipleship. Bryan explains why a Christian can never be like Darth Vader and Ryan explains why we’re like Gila monsters. We talk about the hardest thing in the Bible to do and why it’s so hard to believe someone can actually change. And we go looking for Jesus in week 7 of our reading plan (Acts 7-11), including our favorite verses from today’s readings.

The Big Idea: As disciples, we will never be the master, but Jesus our master shows us the Ultimate Disciple.

Weekly Challenge: Connect with someone who might be seeking the Lord this week.

Show Notes

Into the Book - Week 7
Into the Book Preview - “Acts 7-11” (DAILY DOWNLOAD)
“Antioch Activity” (DAILY DOWNLOAD)
Repent | μετάνοια (metanoia) (LEXICON)
Disciple | μαθητής (mathētēs) (LEXICON)
“50 Challenges” (SERMON)