This week we’re talking about the Holy Spirit — his work and presence in the early church and the church today. What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? How is it different from the gift of the Spirit Christians receive at baptism? And what does it really mean to be “filled with the Spirit”? And as this week’s “Into the Book” readings lead us into Acts, we look for the apostle’s “hobby horse” sermon topic and find that trembling before our awesome God is just as important in the New Testament as the Old Testament.

The Big Idea: The Lord continues to live and work in his people today.

Weekly Challenge: Be aware of God’s presence in your life this week.

Show Notes

Into the Book - Week 6
Into the Book Preview - “Acts 2-6” (DAILY DOWNLOAD)
“Twelve Voices Series - Joel” (SERMON)
“Twelve Voices Series - Joel” (PRESENTATION)