This is a prelude to tomorrows show when Michael King , The proprietor of VH & C will be my guest. We will discuss MANY of these categories tomorrow but for today lets review from Grandpa Bills own archival shows right here                                                                                                               Vitality Herbs and Clay  talk products 3 Tips on Surviving the 5 Major Holiday Seasons (from Halloween to Valentines Day

How to Guard Your Health & Emotional Well Being as You Celebrate
Surprising, (and for some), Shocking Tips on How to Minimize the Health Effects of Celebration Foods & Seasonal Blues Why does one's health and mood deteriorate during the holidays and after? In most instances it is due to the cumulative effect of a multitude of dietary compromises that are common to holiday celebrations, including an abundance of sugar, nuts, chips (or other fried foods), rich foods, candy, desserts, alcohol, and typical food combining mistakes traditionally bred into our celebration of the holidays (see below).

Some of the most common worst offenders are:

nuts and nut butters (yes, even soaked almonds)BUT NOT LIVING NITZ next month We will do a whole Show on them and the whys and where fors Maine cross Promotion BH Sales healthy Meal Bag+

concentrated sugars (granular, liquid, and extracts)

breads (mostly due to the herbicides laced into the grains)

alcohol (affecting the brain, liver, coordination, and emotional states)

liquid oils (being an extracted concentrate)

dairy fats (that interact with starches and sweets resulting in insulin resistance)

especially when combined into the same dish, or in the same meal.

Examples include:

pecan pie (the combination of nuts and sugar are deadly at triggering herpes, shingles, or a flu bug)

raw fruit pies (nut crust with sweet fruits can promote bloat & digestive disturbances, coupled with a long list of other side effects like cold extremities, excess weight, joint inflammation, etc.)

or fruit cake (again, a food combining mistake consisting of nuts, fruits, grains, and sometimes alcohol, producing fungal overgrowth, while feeding the herpes strain of viruses)

most all desserts (sweeteners and oils or fats are the basis of their recipes, thus violating the number one disease-causing food combining mistake) as spelled out below.

egg nog (egg fats, sugar, cream, and alcohol resulting in insulin resistance)

honey or sugar in an olive oil dressing (leave off the honey or sugar and add lemon or lime to emulsify the olive oil before using, thus reducing the concentrated oil challenge)

butter on bread

sour cream on potatoes   More info at my other podcasts and my blog


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