🔷 Beautiful blue background. 01:15

👩‍💼 Diane is a serial entrepreneur. 01:49

💲 She built her first $50 million business in six years and it was a staffing agency. 02:51

🤓 Story about Diane’s failure and what she learned from it. 04:10

👣 Doing one thing at a time. 06:32

💥 “Every business decision that you make affects how your life looks.” 07:24

⏰ Timing is important for both starting and ending a business. 08:31

🚪 Different reasons why people exit and also purchase companies. 09:12

🧱 Entrepreneurship is very personal: it depends on an individual’s entrepreneurial style.11:46

👀 Why she chose not to listen to a Silicone Valley advisor? 14:10

💰 Diane loves bootstrapping and she believes in revenue. 16:05

🤷‍♀️ The concept of being all about revenue and not about profit worries Diane. 17:07

📈 Women entrepreneurship needs to progress. 19:53

🙃 Diane’s favorite F words.  21:35

🦸‍♀️ Diane Prince and Wonderwoman. 23:24

🧠 All the things that business people forget to do. 24:57

🤓 Connect with us: www.resonateengine.com

Connect with Diane: www.dianeprince.co