Heidi Wilcox is Dave's guest today.  Heidi is known as the end-users scientist and she tells us all about her history of how she came to be involved in science-based cleaning, TURI Labs, what she is passionate about and the value of what we do.  

WILCOX EVS - Sustainable, Innovate Green Cleaning & Infection Control Solutions

 Dave and Heidi are fresh from seeing each other at the National School Plant Management conference where they both spoke.  Listen as they talk about this past conference, the people and the purpose for why they give of their time.

 Both of them will be at the FIRST, Clean Buildings Expo (CBE) in Baltimore.  They talk about it and what their topics will be.

Clean Buildings Expo - March 26-27, 2019

Dave continues to talk about "The Resident" mentioned in last week's podcast and the Rock Star Custodian program.  Don't forget to nominate your ROCK STAR.

Rock Star Custodian Nominate

Heidi Wilcox: [email protected]

Dave Thompson: [email protected]