Today, Bobby Zagers with GEM Supply in central Florida joins Dave and takes this opportunity to catch you up on what is going on at both GEM Supply and the Academy.

Joe Anacleto is the newest member of the GEM family, and as Bobby tells us, a specialist in restroom care.  You can reach Joe at [email protected]

At the time of this broadcast, Dave is in Ruston, LA getting ready to present the full Rock Star series to the Lincoln Parish School district after they saw the keynote session earlier in the year at the National School Plant Management conference.

He goes on to tell us that the University of Maryland will be hosting a two-day event in Baltimore next month.  

Both remind you that the first round of the Rock Star Custodian nominations is over in just 60 more days and you should go to nominate your frontline or supervisory Rock Star now.

Contact Dave: [email protected]

Contact Bobby: [email protected]