Please pardon the background noise as the two guys are by the pool while Aaron is on vacation at Disney.

Dr. Aaron Buchko is a professor of management in the Foster College of Business, Bradley University, teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in Planning and Strategy and graduate courses in Executive Development and Business Ethics.

He lives in Peoria, Illinois with his wife, Dr. Kathy Buchko, a counseling psychologist, their daughter, Alex, and son Andrej. In his spare time, he is an avid fly fisherman, hockey player, and coach, motorcyclist, reader, and is a student of U.S. history, particularly for the period from 1840-1940.

You might remember Aaron from an earlier podcast when he was in Orlando at GEM Fest 2018,

Managerial Intelligence, Aaron's latest book is now out.

Today, Aaron talks with Dave about the use of gamification in learning and the differences between education/learning and training.  The two couldn't get all the conversation in on this session, so stay tuned for the follow up to this end of this engaging exchange of information.

Watch the video of this podcast on YouTube