In this episode of Beyond the trend, we speak with the Executive Director of Deloitte’s Center for Government Insights & Co-author of the 2021 Government Trends report, William (Bill) Eggers.

The Deloitte Center for Government Insights are the thought leaders behind our 2021 trends and their latest report distills years of research on government operations, coupled with on-the-ground coverage of what is happening in the trenches right now

Since launching five years ago, the Deloitte Center for Government Insights has focused on the ongoing transformation of government. This trends report is informed by research, surveys, and Deloitte’s work in the trenches with governments worldwide, which give the center a unique horizon scanning capability. The nine trends we highlight in this report have three things in common: First, they focus on government operations instead of policy issues such as immigration or health care. Second, each trend has moved beyond pilots and experiments and has begun to penetrate the heart of government. Third, they are all global in scope, happening in both developing and more economically advanced nations to varying degrees.

The year 2020 brought a host of challenges for governments & Bill shares how the past year has shaped, changed and even fast-tracked the trends we are seeing now.

To read the full 2021 Government Trends Report head to:

And to connect with Bill :