Stacy Jene Li is a career coach for ambitious creatives/misfits who value social impact and want to make the world a better place through their work. She holds a Masters in Education from UPenn and started her career coaching journey in summer 2020 as a YouTube content creator. Since then, she has coached 30+ individuals to help them land jobs, gain confidence in themselves, and rework their limiting beliefs around careers.

😬🤮 Worst advice: “Follow your passion.”

🤯🤩 Best advice: “The 80/20 Rule.”

🤗💯 Advice for others: “Don’t get caught up in what others are doing.”

🥰📚 Favorite book right now: Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

You can connect with Stacy on LinkedIn, Instagram, or visit her YouTube (Stacy Jene) to learn more about her and her work.

Beyond the Resumes is a daily 10-minute podcast and newsletter that shares advice from career experts, LinkedIn Top Voices, executives, doctors, and entrepreneurs on everything career-related. Listen to our interview with Stacy Jene on Episode 005 of BeyondTheResumes.


Beyond the Resumes is a daily bite-sized podcast that shares the worst and best life and career advice from globally recognized career leaders, LinkedIn Top Voices, executives, doctors, and entrepreneurs. Jerry, the founder and host of Beyond the Resumes, holds a BS from USC Marshall, an MBA from Michigan Ross, and was a former strategy consultant at Accenture and a sales and marketing leader in multiple industries. He now hopes to share both his and his guests’ extensive careers and experiences through these daily podcasts. Our mission is to be the leading voice for career and life advice for the modern global professional and empower the next generation of modern global leaders by sharing career and life advice to help you find happiness and success.


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Beyond the Resumes is a Just Like Media podcast & a member of the Asian Podcast Network.