Since the dawn of the 21 century technology has been responsible for democratizing many things that previously belonged to the elite but the rate of disruption caused by technology has never been as high as today as we are heading towards a world that is more decentralized than ever.

In this episode of Beyond the Present (BTP) podcast Danny and Poujix join Govind, an expert in the field of blockchain technology along with crypto currencies and encryption who in addition to many things is the founder of the startup Data X (, to discuss the way the decentralized world has touched our lives and how it will be  developed in the future.

What is the blockchain technology and how does it lead to decentralization? What are the pros and cons of the decentralized world? How does decentralization democratize data transference and enhance privacy and security? Should you invest in bitcoins?

These are but a small portion of the questions that are answered in this episode of BTP podcast and whether you are someone who could mistake blockchain for keychain or an experienced investor in crypto currencies you will find something useful in this program regarding a trend that is just getting started and will probably sweep our lives in the years to come!