Despite humanity’s innate tendency to prefer comfort and resist change we are all benefiting from the technological advancements that are the results of going against this very innate tendency by deciding to do different things, do more of them, and do them more efficiently.

The future is coming, whether we like it or not, and with it a whole array of changes will sweep our societies in the coming decades but are we ready for it? In this episode of Beyond the Present (BTP) podcast Danny and Poujix join Ali, a software engineer and computer expert, to discuss the bright as well as dark sides of technological advancement and their impacts on our personal and professional lives. 

How optimistic can we be about the future? What are some of the changes that we expect to witness in the coming decades? How does technology merge with humanity,  turns us into cyborgs, and  eventually leads to singularity? Will our jobs be taken away by artificial intelligence? What changes do we look forward to see in the future? These questions and so many more are answered in this episode of BTP podcast.