Getting Your Brand Published with Chelsea Clarke

Hosted by: James Patrick

In this episode, I have Chelsea Clarke with me, the editor of Icon Refined Magazine. We’re talking about leveraging the power of earned media to amplify brand awareness and generate leads for your business.  

“You have to figure out what you’re bringing to the table, where it could best be placed and who’s listening to that.”



Takeaways and observations Chelsea had after meeting face-to-face with the attendees of this year’s Get Published Live event.

What obstacles attendees were able to work through at the event. 

Getting clear on what media you want and why. 

Figuring out where to place your message. 

How to resist putting media pitches on the back burner. 

A glimpse behind what happens on the receiving side of your pitch. 

How to get noticed by editors. 


Connect with Chelsea 

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @iconrefinedmag


Connect with James


Instagram: @jpatrickphoto


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