Shooting the Cover of Paradise Valley City Lifestyle with Nadine Bubeck

Hosted by: James Patrick

In this episode, we are going to be diving into my recent cover shoot for Paradise Valley City Lifestyle magazine. 


My guest today is Nadine Bubeck. She’s the publisher of Paradise Valley City Lifestyle magazine. 

“I believe in timing, I believe in fate. I believe things happen and unfold all at the right reason and the right timing.”



Nadine’s background and story. 

How Nadine has been able to stay in the television industry without losing time with her kids. 

Is print media at risk?

Why Nadine chose to go back into print magazine. 

The power of multimedia.

A complete behind the curtain of the cover shoot. 

Why Nadine chose the specific women she did. 

The importance of storytelling. 

Using social media to help your business. 

How to get your media pitch to stand out.

What details should go into your pitch and what shouldn’t. 

Structuring content effectively. 


We are ONE WEEK out from our 10th annual Get Published Live event! Learn how to land and leverage media features at Get Published Live:

Connect with Nadine 


Instagram: @paradisevalleycitylifestyle

Connect with James


Instagram: @jpatrickphoto


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