Avoiding New Year Burnout with Dr. Meredith Butulis

Hosted by: James Patrick

Today, I’m exhausted and already on my third cup of espresso and it’s barely noon. Part of this is because it’s the start of the year and I have this massive sense of overwhelm of trying to get so many things done in this perceived finite amount of time so that I feel like I’ve gained momentum and I’m starting the year ahead. 


Well, this can lead to some burnout. So, that’s what we’re going to dive into in today's show; how to avoid burnout. My guess today is Dr. Meredith Butulia. 

“Don’t wait to start running until your feet hit the ground.”


Why the New Year may cause stress for entrepreneurs. 

8 areas of wellness that we should always be attending to and how to do that. 

The importance of mutual energy in relationships. 

Identifying if there’s an issue and how to hone in on it. 

How often you should be reassessing your wheel. 

The biggest regrets older people have and how to avoid having them yourself. 

Taking steps in the right direction. 

Being okay with trying things and changing your goals. 

What you should track and how to do it without taking up too much time. 

Connect with James 

Website: jamespatrick.com

Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 


Connect with Dr. Meredith 

Instagram: @doc.mnb

Book: Your Wellness Makeover 

Get a FREE chapter of her brand new book by DMing Meredith on Instagram and letting her know you listened to this podcast! 

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For more, visit jamespatrick.com