Drawing the Line: When Photoshoot Onlookers Cross Boundaries

Hosted by: James Patrick


At what point does watching a photoshoot that’s happening in public cross a line? At what point does it become intrusive?


Let’s talk about this since it happens quite often. 

“Modeling while in a public place is intended exclusively for the work that’s being created.”


Why this happens so often.

When it’s not a problem versus when it is. 

Examples of when it becomes a problem and why. 

Real life examples that James has dealt with. 

Putting these scenarios into perspective. 

Consent in a public photoshoot and who it extends to. 

What this means for photographers. 

Connect with James 

Website: jamespatrick.com

Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

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