When to Celebrate

Hosted by: James Patrick

For people like me, and perhaps for people like you, showing off is hard to do. Why? Because it seems that all we ever see when we fire up social media, is an endless stream of accomplishments. A barrage of celebratory news, an assault of requests for congratulations. It can’t all be real, can it? People’s lives cannot be this “#blessed.”


I’ve often said that social media represents the greatest hits of each other’s lives. The thing about the greatest hits is that they don’t include the b-tracks that never made it to the airways.


 We’re so often turned off or pissed off at this tidal wave of other celebrations, which we know are not entirely true, that we never stop to celebrate our own legitimate accomplishments. 

“When we don’t celebrate our victories, we rob ourselves of the momentum to achieve our next accomplishment,”


The truth behind social media. Why we end up not celebrating ourselves. Things you should be celebrating and why. Taking time TODAY to share something you’ve accomplished in the Facebook group below.


Join James’s private Facebook Group: Fit Business Guide

Connect with James 

Website: jamespatrick.com

Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

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