Should You Be Edgy? 

Hosted by: James Patrick


Do you want to know what sucks? Being told that you suck, you’re a douchebag, you’re not a good photographer. These things all suck to hear and they’re not fun to see people saying that about yourself and your work. 


I recently had one of my posts shared by a large photography account. The comments on this share were intense, to say the least.


“Bro, you suck.” “You’re a douchebag.” “Your work sucks.”


Am I reading these to tongue the pain a little? Yes, I am. But that’s not the point.

Today, we’re going to talk about whether or not you should be edgy.


”In order to be remembered, you must do something remarkable.”


How to take a photo that doesn’t suck series. Who your content should be for, regardless of the naysayers. Defining yourself in a unique way. Creating something worth noticing. Using your platform in a different way that offers value.

Live coaching THIS WEDNESDAY at 8AM CST. Join the Facebook Group for FREE & LIVE Life coaching: Fit Business Guide

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Connect with James 


Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

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