The Problem with Sales

Hosted by: James Patrick


Do you know what I do when I have too much to do? I pick fights on social media, because I use my time wisely. I know it’s not that productive, you don’t want to be involved in it, the people I’m arguing with don’t want to be involved with it, and there are parts of me that don’t even want to be a part of it. But I saw something the other day that really irked me. It brought up a conversation I want to dive into today; the problem with sales. 

“When we immediately demonize anyone trying to work, and selling is a part of that work, we are making something that is already incredibly difficult, that much harder.”


The problem with sales. Why dehumanizing people who sell is an issue. The post James saw that irked him and why. What can scale your business and why we need to protect it. How to politely decline sales instead of creating a negative narrative about sales. The fear behind sales as a consumer. Two ways to sell in the culture we are in.

Connect with James 


Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

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