How to Finish

Hosted by: James Patrick


I don’t mean to brag on this show, but I’m a little bit of a chicken shit. The correct response to that is, “Don’t sell yourself short, James. You're a tremendous chicken shit.” I’m not going to argue that fact with you.


I was thinking about fear, and I think fear comes up in two different ways. We’ve often talked about one, and today, we are diving into the other one.


“No idea has value unless action has been completed or 

that idea has been shared with someone else.”


The 2 different fears we face. What an imposter really means and why you can label yourself as that. What happens when you don’t finish things. Thrashing and the real solution for it. Neutralizing things at the beginning to stop delays at the end. The 4 options you have when facing a problem. Why is your idea worth more?

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Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

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