Let’s be honest, it can be a little daunting to start and run a business. One of the most stressful components of being an entrepreneur and running something that you founded, is the overwhelming and sometimes crippling weight of the sheer mass of decisions that we have to wade through. Should I focus on lead generation or client nurturing? Should I be investing in Facebook ads or should I run a PR campaign?


What I’m sharing with you today is the number one area I want you to focus your efforts and energy on for the remainder of this year and going into next year and why.

“Stop worrying about your pricing and start worrying about the experience you're delivering to your customers.”


The overwhelming amount of options we have and decisions we have to make daily. Where you need to focus your energy. What will help you get more clients and retain clients. The definition of the “user experience” and how to make it better. How to differentiate yourself amongst other competitors. What encompasses the user experience.

Connect with James 

Website: jamespatrick.com

Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

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