Tonight I am hosting a FREE workshop for health and fitness professionals on how to get more clients. You cannot grow a business if no one knows you exist. Tonight, I’ll be teaching you a play-by-play approach to get the right leads to become the right clients who are going to hire you. 

You can sign up at

Last week, I got an e-mail that I had received a fairly prestigious award. I was awarded as the Media Talent of The Year by the American Advertising Federation's Western Division. This goes out only once a year to an individual, not a company. I was very honored and very humbled by this feature.


This brings up an interesting thought. What are the ways I can leverage this award to better my brand and better my business? Once you earn media, you may want to know how to leverage that media to grow your business. Today, we’re discussing how to do that.

“Everything is about building trust and rapport.”


A refresher on why you would want to earn a media feature. What earned media can do for you and your business. How James is going to leverage this new award. 6 Ideas for you to leverage your earned media.

Connect with James 


Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

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