My first brush with an online business was a little janky. I wrote this ebook but had no idea how to automate the delivery of the ebook. So, what I did was took the ebook and posted about it on Facebook to let people know about it. When people expressed interest, I would have them PayPal me $29.95. Then, I would email them back a copy of the PDF ebook. 


This meant that in order to fulfill every order, I had to respond to every message letting people know of my PayPal email address. Then, upon receiving payment, I had to get their email address and send the ebook one at a time.


After selling about 100, I figured there had to be a better way/ Eventually, a better way did surface; a digital product delivery. Once someone purchased the ebook, it would automatically deliver it to them.


This seems like a no brainer now, but back it was not over 10 years ago. Flash forward, I’ve made over a couple million dollars selling products online.


Today, we’re going to talk about how you can launch your business online.

“Every business that has ever been formed started in the exact same way.”


The current problem with ideas. What you need to do with your idea. The story behind the book. All the things you need to launch your online business in one book. FitBusinessOnline.

BE ONE OF THE FEW WHO GET A FREE COPY OF THE NEW BOOK! A dozen volunteers who are ready to use this book FOR FREE before everyone else so they can get their idea into motion.




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1. Leave a 5-star review on the Apple Podcast App.

2. Text me at 480-605-3254 and let me know you’re interested the book.

Connect with James 


Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 


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