I feel like right now is a hard time to be entertained. You have football out of season, college basketball is wrapping up, hockey isn’t interesting right now. I’ve seen everything on every streaming platform that could be viewed thanks to the last year and a half. What am I to watch? 

Last night we took a chance and put on the HBO show, Julia. In all honesty, we thought it was the movie from a handful of years ago about the icon Julia Child. Turns out it’s a new TV show about Julia Child and her life. 


What I want to talk about is the portrayal of Julia Child and the obsession with the usability of her recipes within her book. What’s the point of teaching a recipe if it can’t be replicated by any person in any kitchen in any home in any city or state across the world? Her character became so diligent and obsessive over the user experience and how it has to be so reproducible in order to publish the recipes. 

In today’s episode, we are going to talk about the user’s experience.

“When you focus on enhancing the user experience, you are going to improve the trust and rapport you have with your target audience, you’re going to increase your customer lifetime value and you’re going to keep your clients longer.”


Why you need to think about how a user interacts with your business. Evaluating the perception in which a user experiences your business. What things can end a user’s experience. Ways to enhance the user experience. The intentionality of the paths you take the user through. How to optimize email funnels and make them personalized.

Connect with James 

Website: jamespatrick.com

Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

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