I’ve been talking a lot on this show about really unpacking what the true journey of entrepreneurship really is. Oftentimes, thanks to social media, we get only a veneer perception of what it means to live the life of an entrepreneur. It’s easy to look at people on Instagram with expensive clothes, nice watches, and fancy cars and think, “I too could live that life!”

Then you start out and realize that you have to do all things in your company, including sweeping the floors.

In this spirit of truly shedding light on the journey of entrepreneurship, I want to talk about all the things that can come up and be a distraction for you along the way. There’s a cost associated with these distractions and we’re going to dive into that.

My guest today is David Wood. He is the founder of Focus.ceo with an extensive background and experience.

“If you just had a regular job and you wanted your life to be different, that alone is going to take something. It’s going to take some willpower to generate it.”


David’s inspiration behind starting his entrepreneur journey. How David helps his clients focus on what’s important. Why we resist doing what we know we need to do. Finding what lights you up and doing that more.


Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself


Not falling into autopilot work. How to stay focused and accountable. Community based accountability, self-based accountability, and coaching The importance of being teachable. Co-working and why it’s effective.

Connect with David 

Website: focus.ceo

*scroll to the bottom and request a session 

Cheatsheet: How to achieve twice as much in the same amount of time: myfocusgift.com

Podcast: Extraordinary Focus

Connect with James 

Website: jamespatrick.com

Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

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