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The last 18 months have given us a lot of space to reflect on a lot of different areas of our life. For some, this has been really beneficial. For some, it’s been really difficult. For me, it’s allowed me to see a lot of the parts of the industry that I myself am a part of - the business and commoditization of advice, coaching, mentorship, guiding, leadership.

Because of this reflection time, I’m starting to see how thin the facade of the industry actually is. I’m hoping to use this podcast as a place where we can come to communicate. I want to hear from my listeners on this! I find myself in a chasm between how I’m seeing a lot of coaches position themselves and where the industry actually needs to be in order to help and support people. So, let’s dive into this!

“When we’re in the midst of it, it’s easy not to see the bigger picture. It’s easy not to see the forest through the trees.”


What James has experienced in his industry over the last 18 months,
The harm that is happening within the industry.
Why shaming and being aggressive in your marketing isn’t the way to go.
The glorification of burnout.
Debunking the quote “you're the sum of the 5 people you surround yourself with.”
Selling something that you’re not doing.
The terrible effects of using your platform to spread negativity.
Hear all about a misleading program that James experienced firsthand.

Want to hear more about this topic?
DM James @jpatrickphoto
Email [email protected]
Text 408-605-3254

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