Today, we are diving into a topic that can make people uncomfortable. We are talking about charging; more specifically about getting the bill.

I was thinking about the Friends episode where Phoebe was helping Monica do her catering job. At a funeral they were catering, they were trying to find the right time to give the client the bill. This can be really awkward, especially as an entrepreneur. How do you make the transition from doing the services to, “Okay, this is the bill.” 

Let’s talk about this! The goal of this show is to abate some of that uneasiness and also to help you not cross a line when you do this with your clients.

“Any time you have those experiences, you just get better.”


The fear that comes with asking for the bill. A personal experience Jame had with a bartending company. The importance of setting the terms of payment and coming to an agreement. What not to do when trying to collect payment. Reasonable terms and conditions for contracts and payment collection. Why hounding people for payment is unacceptable. Professionalism and politeness when following up.

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