I’m finally coming back to life after what was such a fantastic, 7th annual FITposium conference. 

We booked over 117 projects for our attendees and it was so inspiring to see; magazine projects, podcast bookings, media spots, and so much more.

Over the last two weeks, something has been gnawing at me that I want to share today. I got booked on this photo project a couple weeks ago with a couple other photographers. I’m sharing all about that today and what you can learn from it!

The comment that set it all off:

“It must be really hard to take a bad photo with an 8 light set up.”


Hear James’s response to the comment above and why it was so important. What all the 8 lights actually do and why they matter. The meaning behind the comment and similar comments like this one. Skill vs. talent Focusing on what you have, learning all about it, and making it work for me. Why you need to stop making excuses on why you’re not where you want to be. Putting in the work and creating results.

“When you put in the work to do it, you’re going to create the results at some point that you want to create.”

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For more, visit jamespatrick.com