First, I wanna let you know about all the amazing publishing opportunities that we are bringing to you. We just locked in our 32nd media partner for FITposium 2021. We’ve never had this many media opportunities in the other 6 years we’ve done this conference!

We have 17 magazines, 6 digital publications, and 9 podcasts. These are the opportunities to help you grow your brand visibility, awareness, amplify your authority, and generate leads for your business.


Oxygen Magazine has paired up with FITposium 2021 and they are seeking writers to contribute content for upcoming features. Now is your chance! You can attend online or in-person. Learn what other companies are partnering with us, plus more and register HERE.



Hear all the amazing publication opportunities you will have at FITposium 2021. Learn what companies/brands are offering earned media and what they are. How to apply for all 32 opportunities.


“Getting published is the fastest and most effective way to grow your brand visibility, amplify your authority, and generate leads for your business.”

Go lock in your pass NOW at!


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