Happy Friday! I thought we would have a fun, pull back the curtain conversation today. We’re in the process right now of looking to hire a photographer.

As a photographer, I always find it interesting when I have to hire another photographer and it brings up a lot of thoughts, questions, and observations on how people are choosing to run their business. 


Parallels in your business and insights to your own business that can help you better your marketing, branding, and positioning. Making sure you are delivering what the consumer wants. The importance of what you do if someone cancels or makes a change to their order. Hidden fees and why they harm your business, instead of helping it. Being clear and specific about pricing. All about upsales and what not to do. Writing contracts that don’t take advantage of your clients. The importance of honoring, cherishing, and taking care of your clients which will lead to more business.

“Consumers want more transparency, more openness, more options, when it comes to the service providers they are hiring.”

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