PSA! Time is running out! We are doing a cover search right now for the cover of Portfolio Magazine, but only for those who register (online or in person) for FITposium 2021. Register HERE

*Once registered, email us [email protected] with your name, contact info, social media handles, a handful of photos, and your bio. Tune in for more details.


In today's episode, we’re talking about the growing divide that entrepreneurs are facing between the striving for success and the depletion of satisfaction. 


My guest today is Terry McDougall. She is an executive and career coach, as well as an author.

We’re diving into why we as entrepreneurs feel that we have to move away from satisfaction in order to reach a certain level of success.



Terry’s story and why she’s passionate about teaching entrepreneurs true success. Hollow goals and why they don’t bring happiness or feelings of accomplishment. Why the narrative that if you hustle harder you’ll be more successful is a lie. Learning to take a step backwards, instead of forward. Realizing that when you stop to gain perspective and define your goals, it won’t put you behind. Getting clear on your goals and then creating a roadmap for those goals. The importance of regularly examining your business, actions, and beliefs. Taking risks and the payoff they bring. When quitting is okay.


“When I let go of the things that aren’t serving me ideally, it leaves space for something better to come in.”

Connect with Terry


LinkedIn: Terry B McDougall

Podcast: Marketing Mambo! On Apple or Marketing Mambo 

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