We can be honest, bad clients are the worst! But - what if they could be avoided almost entirely? In this episode of the podcast, host James Patrick discusses how many bad client relationships can actually be prevented altogether!

He discusses specific steps to take to maintain good client relationships and salvage those that begin to turn bad and at what point creatives need to walk away from a bad client.

Be sure to subscribe for future episodes discussing how you develop your brand, market your brand and further profit from your brand as an artist! Episodes will feature interviews with creatives as well as clients themselves discussing what they look for when hiring artists.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: James Patrick has released a new workshop, THE PHOTOGRAPHER'S MARKETING GUIDE! This is his most comprehensive marketing and business development training for creatives ever. You can get it at JamesPatrickWorkshops.com


For those interested in working with James Patrick for coaching, please visit JamesPatrick.com/coaching

Thanks for tuning in!