#002: Entrepreneur and Business Storytelling Coach Andy Henriquez shares the power of storytelling that changes lives, and empowers every audience to action.

In this episode, entrepreneur and business storytelling coach Andy Henriquez shared how storytelling is a potent tool that empowers every audience. We discussed his background and what motivated him to begin storytelling and how, from the very beginning, it separated him from the competition.

We then discussed his “signature story.” The story of how his mother, against all the odds, became the owner of a foreclosed building for sale without any money. We then discussed Andy’s storytelling program, and he gave away a gift to all the listeners. We ended the conversation with Andy encouraging others that their voice is needed in the world at this moment, and it was important that nothing holds them back.

Quote – And so what I find is that…that journey of getting to your next best version of you, that journey of going beyond your limitations, that journey of realizing your gifts, your skills and your talents and living out your purpose, as opposed to you being able to see the entire thing, you might have a vision of what you're looking to create. But as far as the journey itself, it's typically going to be revealed to you in phases in small chunks and mediocre steps. And if you could just take that next best step, then what happens is if you have enough faith to do so, the next step is going to reveal itself – Andy Henriquez

Andy Henriquez:
·      Website: www.MasterStorytellerAcademy.com
·      FaceBook: @AndyHenriquez
·      Twitter: @andyhenriquez
·      LinkedIn: @AndyHenriquez
·      Instagram: @ShowUpforYourLife
·      Goalcast Video: https://www.facebook.com/goalcast/videos/493142964616418/

Andy Henriquez Bio:

Business Storytelling Keynote Speaker & Trainer • High-Energy Motivational Speaker • Author
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