#042: Are you living according to whom God ordained you to be as a man and a father? It is important to understand that you are a king and have been given the power by God to lead yourself and your children actively and with authority. 

In this episode of Beyond the Culture, Dr. David M. Walker speaks with Reginald Gant. He’s a 4X author and Founder of Serve4Men, LLC and the SERVE principles, which is a personal development vehicle used to educate men, fathers, and husbands. He equips and encourages them to step into their leadership roles as protectors and providers by challenging them with the question “why not me” instead of allowing them to settle for less so that they can live life with a clear conscience and without regret. His purpose is to assist men in finding their way because there is no manual or guide for manhood and fatherhood. He talks about his passion for leading men to be whom God called them to be in society. 

Listen in to learn the power of adopting the serve mentality and allowing God to work on you and through you to other people. You will also learn the importance of protecting your family spiritually and leading actively as a man.

“Expectations that are not mutually agreed upon, are invalid.”- Reggie [26:51]

What you will learn in this episode: 

·       [2:00] He explains how God called him to lead men to do things like God ordained them to do. 

·       [4:42] How the relationship between children and their parents shapes their upbringing.

·       [7:33] Learning from the experience of wise men and fathers and then sharing it with others.

·       [10:45] He talks about the original meaning of the SERVE principles and how they guide his life.

·       [14:07] The power of serving others in making them and yourself better.

·       [15:26] Reggie narrates the story of a man who he helped transform from a stuck to a progressive mindset. 

·       [19:53] How forgiveness for yourself and the other person frees you up.

·       [26:07] Understanding why expectations need to be agreed upon by two people to be valid. 

·       [28:51] How Reggie works towards teaching men to lead actively and with authority.   

·       [35:46] Why black men should believe and adopt kingly thoughts and principles. 

·       [38:00] He explains the meaning behind the second and third SERVE name acronyms. 

Relevant Links:

·       Website: https://serve4men.com/ 

·       LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reginald-gant-21032167/ 

Reggie Gant’s Books:

·       Serve Yourself to Greatness 

·       Your Greatness Unleashed 

·       Serve Your Children to Greatness

·       Serve Your Teen to Greatness

·       Speak Up