A little more hope. That was a lifeline our guest this week, Teri Wellbrock, desperately needed after a soul-crushing series of crucibles that began in childhood. She suffered through the traumas of sexual molestation, rape, bank robberies, the murder of a co-worker, emotional abandonment by an alcoholic parent, physical abuse, poverty and the resulting panic attacks that eventually would lead her to the depths of despair.

But as she explains in our conversation, she discovered breakthrough the form of EMDR therapy -- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing -- a psychotherapy technique that uses eye movements to help people heal from trauma.

Within the confines of that safe space, she explains, she was able to dump the contents of her compartmentalized traumas into a heap of unprocessed memories. Sifting through that pile, trauma by trauma, with the help of her therapist, she embarked on a life-altering healing journey.

Today, she shares her insights as host of The Healing Place podcast – exhorting her listeners with a simple charge: Choose Happy.

To learn more about Teri Wellbrock, visit www.teriwellbrock.com

To explore Beyond the Crucible assets, including our free Life of Significance assessment, visit www.beyondthecrucible.com

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