This week, we discuss Warwick's latest blog, “Seven Ways to Live By Your Passions, Not Others’ Expectations.” In the piece, and on this episode, he unpacks key building blocks to develop and deploy a vision for a life of significance that you, not your friends or family, are uniquely off-the-charts passionate about.   What's a stake if we pursue what pleases others, not what ignites our spirits? Warwick says it can be "soul-destroying." Not just hard. Not just unfulfilling. Not just feeling trapped. But having your dreams and passions, the essence of who we are, obliterated.    The bookend exhortations we discuss are “Remember, it’s your life!” and “Do something!” In between, you’ll discover what you need to know -- and do – to avoid living, as Warwick puts it, “A dreary black and white life of obligation and people pleasing.”   To explore Beyond the Crucible assets, including our free Life of Significance asseo2ssment, visit   Have a question or comment? Drop us a line at [email protected]