Julie Cochrane is a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner located in Vancouver Canada. After the loss of her stepson Cody to an accidental overdose, she became very involved in advocacy work around the Opioid Crisis. This has motivated her to shift her main focus of her practice towards helping men of all ages who suffer from anxiety. In this interview, we will discuss how Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) can remove some of the limiting belief systems from our subconscious mind. We talk about how these belief systems can develop over time and begin to effect us. She also speaks up about some of the ways men can struggle differently than women in the western society and how we can begin to make a change.

Learn More at www.DesertMoonYogi.com

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Instagram: @JulieCochrane_RTT
Facebook: @JulieCochraneRTTPractitioner
Website: www.JulieCochrane.com

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Website- www.DesertMoonYogi.com

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