Natalie Adele is the co-founder of Vasu- a beautiful yoga community that she built with her twin sister. Vasu was a yoga studio and organic spa located in Hartford, Connecticut. After the global pandemic hit, restricting the ability for Vasu to operate as they had before, Natalie and her sister made the scary, yet powerful decision to trust in the present moment and close their doors. They both decided to sell their studio and all of their belongings to take Vasu completely virtual and embark on a trip across the country. Natalie's journey was filled with many moments of surrender. The trust she encompasses in the area of the unknown is inspiring. Although we do not dive too deep into her lifetime of inspiring moments that made her who she is today, when you tune in you will still learn through her inspiring perspective and strength that shines through her so brightly. In this interview, Natalie and I hold space in an open conversation around the topic of surrender, trust and what helps us get through this challenging time that we are all experiencing collectively.

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