Ally is a yoga teacher, hair stylist and incredible gift to this planet. Her wisdom and positive outlook is inspiring! She believes that her mission in this lifetime is to step up and help others live a life that is truly "Healthy, Happy and Free!" Tune in on this vulnerable, open conversation that aims to normalize each phase of our journeys in this lifetime. The ups and downs, ebbs and flows and variations of emotions we experience are so human- and we are valid in experiencing ALL of them! Ally advocates on the importance of vulnerably in hopes to expand communities and create more safe spaces. She wants others to feel comfortable in coming forward and sharing the pieces of themselves that often encompass a lot of shame. During this time, especially, it is ok to NOT be ok, and we share our honest view points and struggles in an effort to let others believe that this is true!

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Instagram: @AllyLivingFree
Kintsugi Yoga: @Kintsugi.Yoga

Instagram- @DesertMoonYogi
Facebook- @DesertMoonYogi

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10% off at FourSigmatic Mushroom Coffee
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