Dr. Alison J Kay has been a practicing mind-body energy healer for over two decades. She is considered one of the leading experts in the field of energy medicine and has authored three award-winning and international bestselling books. Dr. Alison is passionate about educating and treating patients to work with their consciousnesses to better understand the power in their energy systems and relieve everyday suffering.


According to Dr. Alison, people all over the world recognize seven main energy centers within the human body. Unfortunately, Western medicine has largely discounted the power of energy medicine to alleviate trauma and suffering. Dr. Alison focuses her practice on treating physical ailments, mental turmoil and emotional pain, offering spiritual guidance through a variety of holistic approaches. Her goal is to help each of her clients reach their highest energetic potential. 


Tune into this week’s episode of Beyond the Basics Health Academy for a conversation with Dr. Alison J. Kay about the healing potential of energy medicine. Learn more about what constitutes energy medicine, how it has been an overlooked modality in Western cultures, and how you can use it to regain the power of your own consciousness and improve your overall health and wellness.



• “If people in the West knew how much more thriving and joyous we could be, and how much less suffering there would be if they were to just go inward and work with consciousness to understand the power in the subtle energy system the way 5000 years of ancient wisdom in India and the traditional Chinese culture do, there be so much less suffering in the West.” (05:20- 05:42)

• “The body, mind and spirit are covered by each chakra, so I have learned to go there as the way to effect the most change.” (12:04- 12:09)

• “Energy medicine is something that allows us to rebuild at that fundamental level and bring in all these different avenues of health, wellness and healing.” (16:15- 16:25)










Stay connected to Dr. Meaghan and her work:

• Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBvlMzs8K94

• Instagram: @oneagorahealth // @drmeaghankirschling

• Facebook: One Agora Integrative Health Clinic

• Twitter: @btbhacademy

• LinkedIn: Meaghan Kirschling

• Clinic Website: https://www.oneagorahealth.com/


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