Will's in the middle of moving this week so we're headed back into the AI Dungeon this week to see what absurd new Pokedex entries it comes up with. Follow along below:

Pinsir: It constantly stalks its prey, looking for the perfect moment to strike. If it sees an opening, it capitalizes on it immediately, charging forward with incredible speed.

Mega Pinsir: It can focus all of its energy in one powerful strike. It can also rapidly release thousands of punches in quick succession. It is the perfect counter to mega evolution. It stops them in their tracks. It renders them unable to fight. It is the ultimate justice.

Slugma: It is a highly intelligent fire elemental. If it sets its sights on a foe, it will never stop lighting it up until that foe is out.

Magcargo: It eats rocks and soil. The more it eats, the more explosive its body becomes. It flicks its tongue to ignite the ground and rocks around it.

Buizel: It has the ability to create small tornadoes with its punches. It can also inflame the water around it into a boiling cauldron.

Floatzel: It inhabitates the water, only coming out to attack its foe in the air. It attacks by firing a jet of water with incredible pressure behind it.

Unown: It is a being of pure energy, birthplace of the Unown Language. It can read an opponent's mind and Predict their next move.

Hoppip: It has a full arsenal of attacks at its disposal. It shoots out roots that grow and ram, it uses its leafy branches as a shield and it shoots out flower petals to confuse its foe.

Skiploom: This lovable pokemon has the ability to use several types of leaves as weapons. It uses its leaves as daggers, spears, whips and even to blind its foes.

Jumpluff: It has the ability to move through trees, and other objects, as if they were air. It can also create a Protective Cloud around itself.

Farfetch'd: It is a very cunning bird. It always has a plan, and it will use any means to fulfill that plan. If a foe dares to come near, it will peck them relentlessly until they retreat.

Galarian Farfetch'd: When it flaps its wings, they are strong enough to propel it through the air. When it runs, it can cover incredible distances. It uses this ability to set up devastating strikes.

Sirfetch'd: It is a very intelligent and strong pokemon. It hangs from the ceiling in exclusive cabins on trains and uses its powerful beak to rip the flesh from its foes.

Porygon: It can Centralize the memories and thoughts of a human being to operate super-intelligence robots. It can also Sharply Increase its brain's computing capabilities as required.

Porygon2: It can perfectly recall anything it has experienced, even things that took place in another location. It perfectly remembers the past, the present and the future.

Porygon-Z: It can perfectly access any memory or knowledge, even those that have been deeply hidden from the owner. It can also perfectly accelerate, stop and manipulate physical laws.

Cover design by Kwesi Phillips

Music by Junichi Masuda and Go Ichinose