It's time to talk about a little mouse! A rascal AND a scamp! It's Beyond the Ball's second Pikachu-alike, Dedenne! Follow along with the entries below:

X: Its whiskers serve as antennas. By sending and receiving electrical waves, it can communicate with others over vast distances.

Y: It uses its tail to absorb electricity from power plants or from outlets in houses, and then it fires the electricity from its whiskers.

Ultra Sun: It sneaks into people’s homes and steals electricity from their outlets. When your electric bill seems off, it’s the handiwork of this rascal.

Ultra Moon: Its upper whiskers are sensors that survey its surroundings. Its lower whiskers are organs that shoot electricity.

Sword: A Dedenne’s whiskers pick up electrical waves other Dedenne send out. These Pokémon share locations of food or electricity with one another.

Shield: Since Dedenne can’t generate much electricity on its own, it steals electricity from outlets or other electric Pokémon.

Photodex: Dedenne love electricity, so they tend to live near humans. One often comes to my lab to feed on the electricity. Speaking of which, I was pretty shocked when it erased some of my data!

Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS: This Electric- and Fairy-type Pokémon's round shape and antennae-like whiskers make it very distinctive. It has a habit of sticking its tail into sockets to absorb electricity that it fires from its whiskers. Its Discharge attack shoots off in four directions, passing through obstacles and stunning any fighters it hits along the way.

BTB: It is a scamp and it will steal your electricity for seemingly no reason. It probably uses Morse code via radio waves. Or that'd be cool I guess.

Dedenne card art by Tomokazu Komiya -

Cover design by Kwesi Phillips

Music by Junichi Masuda and Go Ichinose