I am a tour guide for God’s glory.” – Paul Tripp Today’s guest is a special treat. Paul Tripp is a pastor, author, and conference speaker who’s passion is to see the transforming power of Jesus at work in everyday life. I recently finished his new book, Awe, and knew that I wanted him on […]

The post #120: Paul Tripp On The Gospel Centered Life, Awe Of God, & The Goal of a Worship Leader [Podcast] appeared first on Beyond Sunday Worship.

I am a tour guide for God’s glory.” – Paul Tripp

Today’s guest is a special treat. Paul Tripp is a pastor, author, and conference speaker who’s passion is to see the transforming power of Jesus at work in everyday life. I recently finished his new book, Awe, and knew that I wanted him on the podcast to challenge we worship leaders.

In this interview we talk about the awe of God, the Gospel, Scripture, parenting, music, concerts, worship leading, and more. Paul is a Gospel centered, wise man so you’ll want to take some notes.


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The only way referencing Scripture works with children is if they’re already in awe of Who wrote the book.” – Paul Tripp

Show Sponsor

Today’s podcast is brought to you by Learn Worship Keys, an online course to help you improvise, innovate, and play worship music on the keys in 3 months or less.

is a membership site with over 30 videos, expert interviews, and incredible bonuses.

If you’ve always wanted to play keys or learned classical music but always wanted to improv, this is for you.

Or if you’ve been looking for a resource to equip your keyboard players on how to play simply, navigate the software world, and make beautiful music, you need to check outLearn Worship Keys.

We already have dozens and dozens of students kicking the excuses and learning how to play. Will you be next? CLICK HERE to check out Learn Worship Keys.

You can’t give away what you yourself don’t have.” – Paul Tripp

In this Episode You’ll Hear More About:

Some of Paul’s favorite concerts and bands.

How Paul found his life calling.

The goal of Scripture.

Why proper theology and Biblical literacy isn’t enough.

Why God has hardwired us for awe and what that means for us.

Why awe is so important for worship leaders.

How to maintain awe on a daily basis.

What awe of God has to do with great parenting.

Why it’s so important to read the Puritans.

Preaching is powerful when a preacher worships his way through his own sermon.” – Paul Tripp

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Show Sponsor: Learn Worship Keys

Website: Paul Tripp

Website: Paul Tripp +

Book: Awe: What It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, or Do by Paul Tripp

Book: The Mortification of Sin by John Owen

Book: Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks

Books by John Piper

Book: The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance—Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters by Sinclair Ferguson

Logos Bible Software

When I stand in front of a group of people, my main goal is for them to realize all that God is, He is for them by grace.” – Paul Tripp

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Worship is not first your activity it’s your identity.” – Paul Tripp

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If you have an idea for a podcast you would like to see, a special guest you’d like to hear from, or a question for an upcoming episode, please email me. If you enjoyed the show, I would be so appreciative if you would rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That helps me so much! Thanks.

And thanks to Paul for sharing with us!

Question: What’s your biggest takeaway from this interview with Paul? Always love to hear from you! You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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The post #120: Paul Tripp On The Gospel Centered Life, Awe Of God, & The Goal of a Worship Leader [Podcast] appeared first on Beyond Sunday Worship.