Dan Pink is the author of several New York Times bestsellers—Drive, To Sell is Human, When, and A Whole New Mind—in which, broadly, he examines topics like creativity, work, and humanity. In this episode, we discuss topics relating to today’s healthcare system, distilling major criticisms and proposed solutions.

Among the problems discussed are defensive medicine, physician burnout, and incentives built into US health insurance. Methods to alleviate these problems, Dan suggests, "re-igniting physicians’ passion for their scientific work" To conclude our discussion, Dan and I explore the possibilities of AI in medicine—and how this technology could free physicians to practice more creatively and holistically.

If doctors’ time is freed up from diagnosis of diabetes, but she still meets with the patient, she can actually get to the contextual and systemic things that might be surrounding that diabetes. For instance: the person is lonely, doesn’t have a lot of friends, is cut off from social connections…and, as a consequence of that, is not eating well.”

Addressing these factors, Mr. Pink says, represents the greatest (if least glamorous) “opportunity to help people to be healthy.”

To learn more about Dan’s work, follow him on LinkedIn, Twitter, or his personal website, which includes articles, videos, and interviews.

To watch this episode on YouTube -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvyOFiHvkk8&t=53s