Vik Raya, MD is a Cardiologist and serial entrepreneur who has built multiple seven-figure businesses since completing his training. The secret to successful entrepreneurship, he says, is simple: Eliminate “either/or” from your vocabulary and replace it with  “and.”

What makes Dr. Raya unique is that he rejects conformity in a manner totally at odds with the linearity of medical training, where we are trained to fulfill a role in a static hierarchy.
In this episode, Dr. Raya discusses being a "businessman and doctor", "father and entrepreneur."

Currently, Dr. Raya holds the positions of CEO and Founding Partner of Viking Capital Investments, LLC; Founder of Limitless MD; and the CEO and Founder of the Vitology Institute, a functional medicine practice. All the while, he remains a practicing cardiologist—largely, as a fallback career.

"We’re in the era of the physician-preneur,”  “Create side hustles, fertilize your side hustles, and once they start maturing—then you can start backing off on your day job.” 

Dr. Raya spotlights physician burnout and the “golden handcuffs” and how to break free.  

“I always want to uplevel and help somebody,” “I just started in the health arena, and that’s not where I ended up.”

To contact Dr. Raya, connect with him on LinkedIn or message him via his website

August 8, 2021

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