Have I told you guys yet that I have recently become obsessed with money? Not money itself, but actually learning how to use, spend, and track my own money. I know it’s kind of sad that it took until my mid-thirties, but here we are! I’m obsessed with learning how to track my money; not just in my personal life, but also in my business. I’m super excited about this episode and if you own a business, you should get really excited too because today I have my good friend, Becca Gonzalez, on the podcast today.


Becca knows all things money mindset and is a freaking genius when it comes to business finances and how they meld with your personal finances and how It all works together. Becca has created a plan that not only served her but has also helped served me and all her other clients when it comes to maintaining our personal, business, and family financial goals.

Becca teaches from a place of experience. If you’re not good with money, she gets it. She’s been there.


As Becca and her husband were getting married, they realized they handled in complete opposite ways, and not in a good way. Early on in their marriage, they found out they were pregnant. Not to mention, Becca brought $90,000 of debt into their marriage, while her husband brought $0 of debt. Becca realized all her debt was unnecessary.

They knew they needed to start working on it so they started a popular financial program that ultimately left Becca obsessed over money, not in a good way. Two jobs, no vacations, no fun. 

Becca realized she had developed a negative money mindset and saw how money was controlling her. So, Becca started reading and educating herself on how to do it differently.

“It was no longer about what we did not have, it was exciting to see that I had changed my mindset – consciously and willingly – to ‘we have exactly what we need right now, and we are working very slowly towards the future that we want together.”

This led to Becca also coaching her friends and family through their financial journey’s.


Becca now teaches women financial literacy to start and how to walk themselves from their vision to their goals just like she did. She teaches about the scarcity mindset versus the abundance mindset and how it effects every area of your life. Becca believes it’s not just about the actual money, it’s about opening yourself up to the opportunities around you. 


Becca hears two things all the time.

1.     “I grew up in a home where my dad/the male in the house was the breadwinner.”

2.     “I grew up in a home with a single mom and she worked 4-5 jobs to provide for the family.”

People either see a male providing for the family OR a female who is working so much that she has no time to spend with her family. 

Becca wants women to know how to stand on their own two feet financially. She wants them to know finances and be able to make a difference in the world through confident business decisions and personal financial decisions. Becca’s wants to help you make money work for you.


Becca’s 5 step process:

1.     Dig into your vision/dream and then commit to anchor yourself into that over and over.

2.     Dig into your budget and make corrections.

3.     Work on your mindset and habit changes.

4.     Goal setting

5.     Planning action steps to walk you to your vision.


Becca consistently sees three places in women’s budget that almost every single person struggles with.

1.   Groceries 

2.   Subscriptions

3.   Debt repayment


Becca teaches women how to make a goal and work the goal backwards. Her method is to have you choose your goal and then have you break it down into manageable steps. 


Becca also works with women in business and entrepreneurs. She not only wants to help them get started, but she wants to make sure they are profiting from their business, along with tracking their income, losses, and potential income. 


Tune into the episode to hear Becca’s personal stories that led her to being a successful financial coach for many women in their personal life and business ventures.

Becca shares in detail about strategy and steps you can take today to turn your financial life around.

Follow Becca on Instagram @beccagonzalezco or email her [email protected].

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