Rob and Kennedy of ResponseSuite join us to share The easiest form of influence that almost no one is using.

Rob and Kennedy share:

The segment of the market we usually forget when it comes to increasing our influence  Self-discovery questions to figure out whether our marketing strategy is helping us maximize influence How to upsell at scale in a segmented way The flaw within the traditional marketing ascension model The exact email sequence to engage buyers and lead them to the next step in the  customer journey The role of surveys in our ability to connect with current customers and gain influence The easy-to-use and accessible technology to gather feedback from customers and clients

About Rob and Kennedy:

Rob and Kennedy are the most unlikely entrepreneurs you’ll ever meet. Sporting hairstyles that look like comic-book characters and backgrounds in psychology, hypnosis, and show business – it’s hard to believe they’re serial entrepreneurs with an uncanny knack for building businesses with riotous email marketing.

They’re the founders of which helps businesses power their sales and marketing using customer feedback. They are also the hosts of the popular “3 Marketers Walk Into A Podcast” and “The Email Marketing Show.”

Sign up for Rob and Kennedy’s masterclass “The Weird 1-Step Email Campaign

That Doubled Our Sales And How To Rip It Off In Under 60 Mins!” at