Walt shares the Peak Performance Mindset to Gain Influence During our conversation, Walt shares: The difference between Peak Performance and sustainable Peak Performance The first step to create sustainable Peak Performance How to protect the most important asset to achieve Peak Performance and gain influence The three E's for self-care and their role in Peak Performance The Importance of being mindful and intentional when striving to achieve Peak Performance.  How to create a plan to achieve your grander vision How to avoid a common trap: short-changing our potential and vision The two questions to ask ourselves when we wake up to achieve Peak Performance The system to track our results and continue our success The reason we need to gather the strength and the courage to share our message even when obstacles and challenges pop up along the way

About Walt

Walt Hampton, J.D. is President of Summit Success International, a global personal & professional development firm; and creator of the Consultant’s Success Formula®. He is a business coach, management consultant, leadership trainer & motivational speaker. He is the best- selling author of Journeys on the Edge: Living a Life That Matters, named a Top 10 Non-Fiction Book and a two-time recipient of the North American Book Awards; as well as the author of The Power Principles of Time Mastery: Do Less, Make More, Have Fun. 

A 1984 graduate of The Cornell Law School, Walt was managing partner of a law firm for nearly 30 years with a practice focused on commercial litigation and criminal defense. He was trained as a Results Coach by Robbins Research International and worked directly for Tony Robbins as one of Tony’s elite business coaches. 

Walt’s passions are high-altitude mountaineering, ultra-distance running, blue-water sailing & adventure photography. He and his wife, the writer Ann Sheybani, reside in Castletownshend, Co. Cork Ireland.