Tom Poland, renowned entrepreneur and bestselling author of the Leadsology series and Marketing with Webinars, shares his system to marketing with webinars by collaborating with influencers.

Tom Poland's Lessons to Partner with Influencers through JV webinars

During the conversation, Tom reveals:

The power of "OPN" to share your message in a grander way and land new clients The four R's to connect with business partners The system to create a constant stream of client consultations on your calendar The Prius factor to build connections with influences What to do when you feel you should apply a certain marketing strategy that everyone else seems to be applying The reason he doesn't favor common marketing strategies such as Facebook ads and blogging,  and what really works instead to get new clients The two key streams of leads for his business, and how careful documentation of each step in the process and a team of contractors allowed him to create a seamless process to grow his business About Tom Poland

Time Poland is a multiple best-selling marketing author. Over the past 41 years he had started and sold five businesses, taking three of them international and has lead teams of over 100 people with annual revenue of more than 20 million dollars. The new book Marketing with Webinars reveals his unique webinar marketing method that has helped thousands of organizations globally enjoy the fulfillment and prosperity that comes with a weekly flow of high-quality, inbound, new client inquiries.

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